An issue is a place in your system that is conditioning which means from this place you cannot act freely.

Here is an example:

Let’s say you needed to be a top student in school and this was the only way to get your parents to show you affection or that they loved you.

When you didn’t have A’s in school they distanced themselves from you and didn’t show you love and affection anymore.

So your system learned that love and affection can only be gained by certain kinds of achievements.

It is now conditioned that way.

This can lead to many stressful situations in your life, because you need achievements to feel loved.

Since you are grown up it’s now up to you to un-condition that place in yourself.

Otherwise, you are just telling your kids the same thing, achievement means love and affection and has to be earned, it’s not given freely from a healthy place within yourself.

If you want to work on some of your issues, feel free to contact me.