If people ask me this question, I almost always answer with the following.

There is just life.

Or in other words, why do you try to divide your life into pieces and separate spirituality from anything else?

The way I see it is, that spirituality is at the core of life and can be lived moment by moment, no matter what you are doing.

It´s not something you turn on in one moment and turn off in the next.

It´s much more a style of living.

Sometimes people start to split up their lives into now I´m in working mode, then in spiritual mode, then in business mode, and then in family mode, to justify actions in certain areas of their lives.

You can´t behave like an asshole and say after that:

“I had to be an asshole because I was in business mode”.

Sure protect your boundaries, and do what you have to do at the moment, but don´t split these areas of your life into pieces.

If you see your life and your spirituality as the same thing, it will be much easier for you to live your life authentically and also act accordingly in any given situation.