Ideas, excitement, and the messy middle.

You might have an idea and think it´s great. If it passes the first “quality test” from yourself and other people you trust to have an opinion about it, you are in the first phase. 1.) Excitement: That´s the phase when either people don´t even start, or get very excited and are enthusiastic, and fully […]

How to connect your spiritual life with your business life?

If people ask me this question, I almost always answer with the following. There is just life. Or in other words, why do you try to divide your life into pieces and separate spirituality from anything else? The way I see it is, that spirituality is at the core of life and can be lived […]

Almost everything in life needs dedication and work and here is why:

I´ve seen it quite a bit in the energetic coaching sessions I do with people, especially in the field of entrepreneurship or if someone wants to start being self-employed. Some people think that they´ll do something for a few weeks, or months more or less regularly, with a little bit of dedication, and that miraculously […]

The true meaning of potential

I have heard it so many times from people, well he or she has so much potential. The question is how valuable is potential really? If we say this or that person could be a great sprinter, skier,doctor, or whatsoever, the most important word in this sentence is could. Maybe the person has a strong […]

What motivates you to keep going

If you want to build anything great, sooner or later it happens to everyone that there will be tough times. Maybe they are tough emotionally, financially, spiritually, physically, or maybe even all of this at once. If times are rough it´s very healthy for you to go inside yourself and remember the core reasons why […]

4 reasons why you don´t present yourself more to the outside world

Most likely some fears are holding you back from really going for it and showing yourself more in public. I will name 4 different fears that could be the reason: 1.) Fear of being judged: If you i.e. are making videos and or producing any kind of content, you could be afraid of what other people […]

You do You, Be Yourself

I´ve heard many times from people, that they think they shouldn´t do a certain thing because other people are doing it, or something in the same direction already. Let´s take the following example: Maybe someone wants to be a writer. This person probably thinks „I shouldn´t be a writer, because there are so many other […]

What is your inner story telling you?

When I say, look at your inner story, I mean the thoughts that are arising within. Btw: did you recognize that I´m not saying the thoughts that you are thinking? Most of the time thinking happens on its own without you consciously thinking a thought. For a lot of people, their inner story is quite […]