Most likely some fears are holding you back from really going for it and showing yourself more in public.
I will name 4 different fears that could be the reason:
1.) Fear of being judged:
If you i.e. are making videos and or producing any kind of content, you could be afraid of what other people think about what you are presenting.
People might talk about it and have their opinions about it and judge you.
2.) Fear of being seen:
If you don´t present yourself to the outside world, you can keep on hiding and don´t have to put yourself into the spotlight.
You can stay hiding in the crowd and don´t have to expose yourself.
3.) Fear of making mistakes:
Almost every single person on this planet who does something (especially new) is making mistakes.
That´s completely ok as long as you learn from your mistakes, make it better next time, and keep going.
Just think about it, that you don´t have to be perfect, good enough is sometimes really good enough.
4.) Fear of failure /success:
If you think that you might fail in your endeavors and you also don´t want other people to see you fail, you might not even get started with what you want to do.
Fear of success is just the other side of the coin.
Maybe you don´t want to have the changes in your life that success will bring. This could be a change of environment, maybe also the change of friendships, style of living could be some examples.
It could be many things, just be aware that this fear could go into both directions.
With fear in general I can higly recommend that you look at the specific fears that are bothering you the most and work on them one by one.
I wish you all the best with your process, Richard.